
Hey guys!
          	Alright so idk if anyone actually sees these but I figured it was worth a shot.  I know it’s been a while since I was active, but as I’d mentioned before, this is an insanely difficult semester for me, so I really just don’t have the time to update super often. I’ve been trying to do at least once a month, but it’s starting to look like I might not even be able to keep up with that.  But you would be happy to know that I have the next chapter for both books written; they just need some editing and will be up before you know it! Thanks for dealing with me so far. I’ll do my best to make this wait worth it!!


@Glue-All hey how are you? I hope u are doing good. We havent heard from you for a long while my dear author


@Glue-All Just checking in with you to see how your doing since we haven't heard from you in a while!


I wish you the best ! I hope you did not come back because you didn’t want to continue this and are having a good life !! Mha is ending now and it feels nostalgic coming back here it feels like teleporting back to my teenage self. It’s crazy how much has happened already these past years. Lots of support !! 


Hi there! I just wanna say that i really love your book. I remember finding it at a time where i felt completely alone and it made me resonate with the mc a lot. You're writing and story telling is truly in my opinion one of the best in the whole bnha fanfic community! I'm just grateful for the books existence as it also helped me with my own struggles. If or whenever book 2 eventually or maybe never come out, i do still hope that you are currently in great physical and mental health! I know that you mentioned that you didn't like people commenting about when it'll come out, but I'm pretty sure that no one had meant any harm, especially because it had been 2 years and with mha almost ending now. I know that writing and planning a story is not easy. 
          I wish you the best


Heyyyyy! I just wanted to say that I just finished your bnha fanfic  which is one of the best I've ever read, not just in the bnha fandom, but out of EVERY FANDOM. The angst is to die for and always keeps me waiting for more, so I really really hope to see its continuation!