
So today I was eating some chocolate, and a story popped in my head. This happened about 2 years ago. I'm in online school and had just logged into my health class. I then put in the chatbox "Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, and cocoa beans grow trees, therefore chocolate is a salad" My classmates start to agree with me and my teacher starts laughing to the point she turned off her mic and it was off for like 5 minutes. Mind you, this is in my HEALTH CLASS witch makes this even more funny. So whenever I eat chocolate I remember this.


So today I was eating some chocolate, and a story popped in my head. This happened about 2 years ago. I'm in online school and had just logged into my health class. I then put in the chatbox "Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, and cocoa beans grow trees, therefore chocolate is a salad" My classmates start to agree with me and my teacher starts laughing to the point she turned off her mic and it was off for like 5 minutes. Mind you, this is in my HEALTH CLASS witch makes this even more funny. So whenever I eat chocolate I remember this.


Thanks for for adding my book to your reading list


@Shota_Yamada Oh no problem, thank you for making a great book and I can't wait for the next chapter!


So a few days ago(3-4 days), I took my earrings out. Then today I tried to put them back in and my left side was fine. My right side, however, I was having some trouble putting the earring in. Come to find it my earring hole has closed. I waited about 5-10 minutes before I told my mom. She was able to help me get my earring back in my ear. 
          if your earring hole starts to close, have someone else(I recommend someone older who know what there doing/has once been in your place here)numb the ear with ice(the colder the ear, the better) put the ice behind the ear, then just push the earring through the hole in the ear.


How is it when I go on break for school, I sleep almost all day. But when I need sleep do to school, I GET LESS THAN A HOUR OF SLEEP!! HOW DOES THAT WORK!!!??!?!? Is it just me who has this problem?? Sorry for my rant.


well at least its not just me


            Same for me I can sleep for the whole on my holidays