
♡ C L A U D I A ' S  P O V ♡
          This day is a very special day. You know why?
          It's the first day of summer! Summer means freedom. I can do whatever the hell I want! 
          And then, my mother calls me.
          "Claudia!" She calls as she enters the room I'm in. 
          She takes out her phone from her pocket and starts searching for something in Google.
          She goes to Google images and shows me a picture that says "Heart Beats Faster."
          "Do you know what this is?" She asks.
          "No," I say, examining the picture more.
          "It's a new TV series!" She exclaims as she puts her phone back in her pocket. "Chase is in it."
          I know what y'all are thinking. Who is Chase?
          Well, Chase has been my best friend when I was in kindergarten. A long time ago, I know. As the years went by, we slowly, I guess, we just faded away. 
          I mean don't get me wrong. We're still friends, but not as close anymore. 
          We meet most of the time because our parents were, and still are, best friends.
          Chase has been in a lot of commercials, he also has been in a lot of TV shows. As an extra, that is. 
          "That's cool," I casually say. "Yeah," she says. "But now, he's the lead role!"
          "What?!" I ask unbelievably. 
          She nods, "Isn't that amazing?!"
          "Well, yeah."
          "And their shooting is today," she explains. "At the pier."
          "Yeah. And we're going!" She grins.
          Oh. My. Gosh. I have never been to a shooting. 
          "Really?!" I ask. 
          "Yup! After lunch," she says as she exits the room and goes to the kitchen to make lunch.
          "Make sure to change into something presentable!" She reminds. "Who knows, maybe they'll make you part of the show too!" 
          "Will do!" I shout excitedly.
          What will I do?! I might see some famous actors!