
FNAF OC Evolution: Shira.
          	Shira was originally going to be an SL OC possessing Lolbit, then I scrapped the Idea and made her Elizabeth's fraternal twin but it didn't sit right with me after a while. After scrapping the Afton idea, I made Shira into a FNAF 4 OC where she was adopted by Nightmare because it just made sense to me and here we are with my current AU where all the characters are humanized versions. Shira is the only exception, she keeps her wolf features because those are the results of her being made from an experiment with wolf DNA gone wrong after it got mixed with the DNA of a human.


Another fun fact about Shira is that she handmade all of her outfits and often makes outfits for her friends and anyone who asks her(so long as they're nice to her about it)


FNAF OC Evolution: Shira.
          Shira was originally going to be an SL OC possessing Lolbit, then I scrapped the Idea and made her Elizabeth's fraternal twin but it didn't sit right with me after a while. After scrapping the Afton idea, I made Shira into a FNAF 4 OC where she was adopted by Nightmare because it just made sense to me and here we are with my current AU where all the characters are humanized versions. Shira is the only exception, she keeps her wolf features because those are the results of her being made from an experiment with wolf DNA gone wrong after it got mixed with the DNA of a human.


Another fun fact about Shira is that she handmade all of her outfits and often makes outfits for her friends and anyone who asks her(so long as they're nice to her about it)


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My friend's gf is threatening to beat my ass because she thinks he's cheating on her with me. This situation is fucking hilarious, in all honesty I couldn't care any less that someone is threatening to beat my ass. My friend's gf's friends were spying on him and Idk what the gf's friends told her, but whatever it was convinced her that my friend was cheating on her with me.


@Gl1tch3d_Sp1r1t OH DANG- well- I hope things turn out well for you at least :,>


@NightShadow0w0 What makes the whole situation even crazier is the fact that my friend is planning to break up with her because of how she's been acting lately.


Oh my- I hope the misunderstanding gets cleared up :,> be careful tho- girls like that can be kinda crazy- tho I’m sure you can take of yourself :,> sorry it’s been a bit since I’ve been on Wattpad and social so I’m sorry if I’m being awkward lol




Btw (this is Har Ray)


New Discovery: My cat loves straws
          Instead of cat toys, my cat will chase a straw like it’s her favorite toy ever.


Aww ruby is so sweet I miss seeing her lol!


@Octo_Fan_5000 It’s like an inside joke because I’m older than her, but I’m also shorter.


Man my Homeroom class needs help(that still wouldn’t be enough). I’m talking about something that happened at like.. 9:30-9:35 this morning.
          My desk in Homeroom is on the left side of the classroom next to another desk where my friend sits and there’s a group of four desks on the other side of the room near the door where four boys sit. Those four boys are constantly talking over the teacher, and the teacher had threatened all four of them with referrals since she had more than enough reason to write them up for multiple things. in response to the teacher threatening to write referrals, one of the boys said, and I quote, “Do it, you won’t write it bitch.”


@Nightblade_Wood_Elf The assistant principal walked in to speak with each one individually and all four of them got referrals but that’s all I know.


@Gl1tch3d_Sp1r1t What the actual hell... Nah, those boys shouldn't be written up, they should be expelled


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I’m pissed off at one of my school’s P.E coaches.
          A bit of background on what happened during 5th period today at school: I saw my friend crying in the girls’ locker room and when I asked her what’s wrong she told me that her entire class made fun of her. I told her that I was gonna talk to them because of this but she told me not to talk to them, her teacher notified then came up to us and asked about what was going on which I then explained she was made fun of. My friend’s teacher asked who it was so I told her that it was the entire class and this bitch proceeds to call my friend sensitive for crying. The entire class is full of assholes and they’ve been picking on my friend since the 4th grade for no fuckin’ reason apart by from just wanting to be assholes.
          This whole thing actually pissed me the fuck off.




@Funtime_Fan Coach Russel(idk how to spell her name)


I know how it feels to be talked down by a gym teacher. Im not going to go on a long ass rant but I was in class and I got excited and a motor tic came out and she told me that if I did that again I would get kicked out of the class… front of the whole class…..IN 3 GRADE!!! Also which teacher? We might have the same teacher.


{I had to make the announcements separate because there’s a limit on how many words you can type}
          Like I said; I was trying to listen to them play, but I didn’t hear my teacher, Mr. Morden say that everyone else was supposed to be practicing the keys/valves on their instruments, so I was just sitting there while holding my flute in hand trying to just listen to the two other kids playing their instruments, and when Mr. Morden saw me sitting there instead of trying to practice the keys/valves, he said: “Lili, what are you doing to try and improve?”
          Like, I had already felt anxious from being asked a question in front of the entire claws that I was unable to speak at audible level and because I was asked to play my instrument along with three other kids who played different ones, but I can’t work well if I’m put into a group with more than one person at a time, I was anxious to the point of my entire body starting to shake/shiver, I couldn’t get a single sound out of my flute because of that.
          Now anyways, back to what I was saying before, about what happened after the teacher said that. When he asked me what I was doing to improve I started crying, I tried forcing myself not to but then the negative thoughts started to run through my brain and I eventually started crying which is when I let my hair down to cover my face.
          I started crying at 11:54am, and I continued to cry until 12:08pm, I’m currently on the bus while typing this out, and I’m not crying anymore, so I’m fine now.
          I posted that daily reminder thing because I was putting myself down, but I don’t want others to feel like how I did, because putting yourself down just hurts more than I can describe.
          I want to say one last thing, don’t forget to take good care of yourself, both mentally and physically, I have an alt account called @Gl1tch3d_W0rld if you need someone to talk to.
          That’s all I wanted to say, now, bye my loves<3