Made for two!

This is a shared profile between two sisters.

We have made this to show our love for Wattpad and each other!
Hurt either of us and we will give you pain 10x worse.

We are rowdy twins but you'll get used to us quick!

Please follow us on out other accounts as well, please!

Hey, this is Heather. (@-Daughter_of_Hestia-)
If you hurt my sister, your dead. She's my little sister and I'm so protective of her. Someone broke her heart a couple of summers ago and I was this close to killing him. *Holds up her hand and shows an inch for effect.* I went ballistic. (I said your fave word sis.) Anywho, peace out peeps.
  • Places XD
  • JoinedApril 30, 2017

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