
I am updating my Short Story collection with edited stories. My sister is going through them and is editing them, giving them details, grammar, etc. Please check out the new updated versions when they are uploaded!


hi, sorry to be that advertiser of my own books, but... i have this book that i think you will be interested in. it is named,"untitled." it is  basically a set of short stories inspired from songs. pls give it a try and feel free to give any feedback! thanks.


Okay so me and my friend are starting another book  I know hat your thinking another one? But if you guys like A whole New World and Dark Hours I'm sure you will like this one. We are still working on A Whole New World just saying so hang in there we just have writers block for it we are slowly making new chapters. I will be publishing this book when we are done with it. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as we loved writing it