
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Kwanza, Blessed Yule, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Ōmisoka, Blessed Pancha Ganapati and Happy Holidays to anyone I left out. I don't fear offending someone I just want to make sure everyone feels included. I celebrate Yule or Winter Solstice from the old ways but today I celebrate Christmas with those who don't believe the same as me. I believe. This time of year should be about compromise. Which, in my country doesn't happen ever. All they do is fight over this holiday and who owns what when actually they are spreading disgusting negativity over a sacred time for many and mostly making sad little fools out of themselves. When they could just celebrate how they wish and ignore everyone else :) Sorry I'm also a little bitter this year. Officially an orphan since my mother died a few months ago and my dad has been gone for 4 years. This is my first Christmas without any real family. Since my sister's priorities are her own family and her inlaws. So I'm a little sad today.


Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Kwanza, Blessed Yule, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Ōmisoka, Blessed Pancha Ganapati and Happy Holidays to anyone I left out. I don't fear offending someone I just want to make sure everyone feels included. I celebrate Yule or Winter Solstice from the old ways but today I celebrate Christmas with those who don't believe the same as me. I believe. This time of year should be about compromise. Which, in my country doesn't happen ever. All they do is fight over this holiday and who owns what when actually they are spreading disgusting negativity over a sacred time for many and mostly making sad little fools out of themselves. When they could just celebrate how they wish and ignore everyone else :) Sorry I'm also a little bitter this year. Officially an orphan since my mother died a few months ago and my dad has been gone for 4 years. This is my first Christmas without any real family. Since my sister's priorities are her own family and her inlaws. So I'm a little sad today.