
I know I haven't updated anything lately, and I know I haven't posted at all for almost three years. But I'm working on a few different stories, whether they're originals or fan fictions. I promise I'm writing and and when I'm happy with where the stories are going, I'll begin to post the chapters. (For example, I've literally started a story three times now because I hated how it was going.)


I know I haven't updated anything lately, and I know I haven't posted at all for almost three years. But I'm working on a few different stories, whether they're originals or fan fictions. I promise I'm writing and and when I'm happy with where the stories are going, I'll begin to post the chapters. (For example, I've literally started a story three times now because I hated how it was going.)


The TV in my room has total signal loss, right? I opened my window and got covered in water. I now know why the TV isn't working. So I turned on RENT.  Because who doesn't love people in New York, living with  a deadly disease trying to make their mark with singing or stripping. So I'm gonna go to bed now