
I'm so inactive! Sorry I have a lot going on in my life but I will be starting up again! I've missed all of you and hello to anyone new! Remember to give book suggestions! Love you all <3 


Sorry everyone I know is said I was going to post every week, but I took a break from Wattpad! I'm so sorry!!! But I promise everyone some more reviews and chapters! I've been reading a lot on here recently I've finished quite a lot of books, but my library has like 350 books in it! So if you recommend me a book it might take me a while but I will definitely get to it! I was at like 600 books before so this is a huge improvement! Can't wait to start writing again! Thanks!!


Thank you everybody!! I know you guys know that I'm not going to be writing an stories and I love reading! I don't understand why you guys are following me but thank you so much! I'm so grateful for all of you!!!!!!! Also remember you can always recommend a book to me...... Or say hey can you start reading more of fantasy or make a new reading list about food or something. Thank you to all my followers have a happy holiday!!!


@GiantPandas136 Two! Four! Six! Eight! Who do I appreciate? Today, it's you, awesome person! Yeah, I'm lookin' right at ya, that person over there with the amazing personality and a bombshell smile to go with it. You're exactly who I appreciate, and not just because giant pandas are amazing haha.
          Anyway, hi Jesse! I just wanted to say, thank you so much for adding my story, 'Waffle Cones', to your reading list(s)! I appreciate it a lot, and I'm glad it's one of your faves. And also that you'd like to read it more than once (is Wattpad glitching? I got the notification, but my story isn't in that particular reading list... oh well :P)
          So, have a great day! Here a cookie for good measure. *Hands you a chocolate chip cookie, before flying off in a hot air balloon* Up, up and away!


Thanks!! I put Waffle Cones back into I'd read it more than once I don't know what happened. Lol!! :) Wattpad glitching it's not the first time   *eats chocolate chip cookie* Have fun in your hot air balloon!!! Giant Pandas unit!!!!!!!!   