
I'm working on an umbrella academy story, is anyone interested in reading it? If not I won't publish it xx


For || LONGING || I was thinking of going over the story to re-write the plotline a bit more as it has come to my attention that I have stuck to the film word for word with my own additional chapters and don't feel as though it's very original - I won't be taking it down, I'll just be re-updating my chapters. Alongside that, if anyone would like to give me some advice on my story and in any way, shape, or form can improve it, please, don't hesitate to tell me - maybe even tell me what you'd like to see in the future for Arizona etc.


I'm so confused about this beta thing, I have the coin thingy on my profile and I've read about it but I still don't get it, can someone explain it to me??


@GhoulishPizza I don't know for sure, but I think the beta is for fans of books and followers to support their favourite writers with money, which can be put towards something? Probably, actually publishing the book beyond a website, but I don't know for sure.


hello!! thank you for adding my story, INCIPIENT, to your reading list!! i hope you'll enjoy the story :-)


@16wanderlxst09  thanks, I'm gonna need it


@16wanderlxst09 thank you so much!! all the best for your edmund fanfiction!! :D


@16wanderlxst09 youre welcome. Its a beautiful story and you really capture the detail, it was the story that actually inspired me to write my own edmund fanfic. Keep up the amazing work and I hope you update soon.


Dark and depressing you say? Well, we're going to get along just fine!! Thank you for putting my book THE OTHER ONE on your reading list! I hope you enjoy it! ❤️


@WalkStar yes really haha, it makes me smile at how you came up with such an impressive story line and that I can actually picture the scenes in my head because of how you write. You're one of my inspirations 


@JessHall3 oh wow! Really? That just made my whole week!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@WalkStar  no problem, it's the second time I've read it since I love the storyline 