You look at the ghost in front of you. They patiently wait for your tears to stop clawing their way down from your eyes to your chin. The ghost quietly hands you one of their handkerchiefs.

You take it with a moment of hesitation, they just continue to stare at you until they smile and let out what sounds like a laugh.

"There is nothing for you to worry about now dear, you are safe with me." But how could it be safe? Didn't being in Hell meant that you have sinned so badly there was no redemption? "I know what you must be thinking young one. But Hell isn't all that bad."

Your voice came out in a whisper, "but im scared." You whimpered as they slowly came closer to your small body, they placed their hand atop your head.

"Dear child, listen to me. There is nothing you have to fear, not anymore." They stood there in thought for a moment before speaking once more. "How about I read you a story, you choose out of the one's I've made."

You slowly walk over to the shelves of books, your eyes peer at all of the beautiful covers. But your eyes finally land on the one, you waddle over to the kind demon and hand it to them.

They take it and let out another laugh. "All right my dear, this story is called...."
  • Chilling in the Ghost Zone
  • JoinedNovember 27, 2017