
I qualified round 2!
          	20K words here I come!


@LoveBoiz Yesss well done! <3


Wait...I’ve realised I’m already pretty much at 20K so I guess 40K?


Okay. I know I haven’t updated in a while and here’s why:
          I’ve honestly just had a lot to figure out about myself - and I’m still trying. 
          Firstly, a month or so ago, I came out as bisexual to a couple of my friends and I’m trying to find the right time to tell the rest of them. 
          However, the second and most daunting thing at the moment, is that I’m trying to come to terms with the fact that I think I’m transgender.
          I know not everyone will be accepting of this and it stands very controversially on the edge of a cliff. The thought of telling anyone terrifies me, especially considering that to my face my dad has (in the past) said, “I don’t understand how anyone could be messed up like that.” Of course, he didn’t and doesn’t know my circumstances but doesn’t pave much hope for the future.
          I’m sorry if this is a lot. I feel like it’s something I’ve been suppressing for a really long time and it took actually learning about what it meant to be transgender to figure out that that’s where I stand and what I want. 
          Whether I ever get the courage to come out — we’ll see — but for now, I think I just needed to get my thoughts off my chest. That’s, in a sense, what this is.
          (Also, I really want to get my hair cut like yesterday)


@LoveBoiz that's okay! I'm always here if you need to talk and I totally accept you the way you are. I hope everything works out with you and your friends and family. Please don't stress about updates for now! <3 


Sooooo, I got past the 2K Round 1 qualifier *phew*
          I was a jittery mess when I saw the notification.
          Thanks to those reading. Knowing that there's even just one person I'm writing for really helps inspire me to keep going! <3


That’s so awesome!! I’ve been lazy about my reading and writing (manga has been sucking me in) but I’ll catch up for sure!