
Who else is sick rn?


I hate being called into work on days I'm off because I literally am going to have a mental breakdown, but I still say I can because I'm nice and don't want to get fired. They asked me to come in at 3 and at first I was like, sure, thinking they were gonna have me work until 8. Nope. I work closing. I hate it here. 


Damn... people really don't like me xD


@GamingGodKenma that sucks.... at least nobody bothers you


@ASHsllz i don't gots any friends and no one talks to me at school or theatre


Man, I hate work for one thing and one thing only. None of my coworkers like me or consider me a friend. They don't talk to me, but they talk to everyone else. I find myself going home and crying after every shift. I might enjoy my job more if I had people that liked me and would hang out with me. Same thing with school and home. I feel uncared for everywhere I go and I hate it. Sorry for the rant lol. 


@GamingGodKenma Hey, I like you and will care for you so you don't feel lonely. Here, my love. Take it ^^ <3 <3 <3