
Hey guys I know it's been a while but Im somewhat back and I can update something if you guys want


I'm so done! I can't take it anymore people are putting so much pressure on me to be awesome. I can't take the pressure my mom tries to force me to make 100s in all my classes and then I tell my friends I have to study and they get mad. I'm sick of it I feel like I have no friends anymore and that even my boyfriend and I are growing apart I don't know if I will make it through this school year. It sucks I'm more depressed now again I hate it all the memories I thought were gone now have come back and won't leave. I can only think of these things and it makes me want to cry. I'm so close to just ending it all in so done. 


Well tomorrow is my birthday but I'm not really that happy about it. All my friends are doing something and my boyfriend isn't allowed around my house because of a certain family issue and I'm basically crying in my room wondering how my birthday could get any worse (knock on wood) I just am so done with it all first my friend leaves then school starts and I basically am a shy girl getting pick on again and have little to no friends and the ones I do have never really pay attention besides my best friend it sucks that I'll probably come home from school tomorrow and do what I normally do which is sit in my room and watch YouTube I'm so tired of all the drama in my life. I'm so done and I'm having a panic attack rn and the one person that usually helped me I basically pushed away and my best friend is asleep doing can't do anything. 


Hey guys... It's Brooke.
          Today is not a very good day for me.
          My anxiety is killing me.
          I have to go to a friends funeral. 
          Her name was Deb. She died of a heart attack.
          She was like another grandmother for me. 
          A lot of things have been on my mind.
          My friends, the funeral, everything.
          It all seems like too much. 
          It's been one week since I lost another friend close to my heart. They did not die. But it feels like the person I knew did. They left. It hurts even a week from then. I have supportive friends around me, but I still hurt. I was thinking of all the good times I've had and my anxiety kicked in when I thought of a memory between my old friend and I. It's 3 am and I'm scared. I don't want to see a love one buried. It's hard. Haha it's funny my whole profile is basically depression. Well I guess it's not too far off. I'm a 13 year old girl with depression. Awesome. Well goodnight guys I hope I'm not being too much of a bother.


Guys I'm done writing I'm going through a lot of stuff right now. The death of someone close to me, and losing one of my best friends I won't be writing any of my stories anymore or creating new ones I'm sorry... I guess I'll see you all later... Bye