
Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I've posted a chapter for the story 'Unlike any Other', a Diabolik Lovers Fanfic due to being busy with school. However I have finished the semester a while ago, about 3 weeks maybe and I still haven't posted anything for my story. It's not because I'm going to drop it. I'm just taking my time enjoying my other hobbies such as drawing, gaming and editing. Once I feel ready to continue writing my story again I will let everyone know and maybe with enough support I'll publish a new story **another Diabolik Lovers Fanfic**that I have written years ago. With that said, Happy New Year's 


Is unlike any other on haitus or discontinued 


@The_FanfictionReader Hello, sorry for the late reply. I actually needed some time to think about this. This is my 1st fanfic I've ever made and I really want to finish it. I already have the next chapter written halfway but got writers block. And it's been like that for a while. Even though it's been so long since I've updated I still want to continue it. So it's going to be on hiatus for a while until I get motivation for writing again.


Thx for voting my HxH story!!


It does and it’s fine :3


@AnimeSexual_ Oh shoot, sorry about that. Usually when I read x reader stories I make the reader, (Y/N) an OC. Like I don't insert myself. I don't know if I worded that right but I hope it makes sense.


Thx!! But it’s a x reader  : D


Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I've posted a chapter for the story 'Unlike any Other', a Diabolik Lovers Fanfic due to being busy with school. However I have finished the semester a while ago, about 3 weeks maybe and I still haven't posted anything for my story. It's not because I'm going to drop it. I'm just taking my time enjoying my other hobbies such as drawing, gaming and editing. Once I feel ready to continue writing my story again I will let everyone know and maybe with enough support I'll publish a new story **another Diabolik Lovers Fanfic**that I have written years ago. With that said, Happy New Year's 


Hi! I really love your story and so exited to know who exacly is Eveline  :o
          PLS update T^T 
          P.S: May god protect us from coronaviru   -_-;


@nounochan No worries I will update! I'm already working on the next chapter and will try to post it this week. To be honest I have already been working on the chapter for 2 months but always left it unfinished since school always knows how to keep me busy. And yes please stay safe especially during these times.


Again so so sorry to disturb you but when will you update? I'm so sorry if I sound so impatient I just really love your story  :) 


Oh my gosh thank you so much you just made my day Ahh!! I'm so happy thank you and don't worry I completely understand :)
            And again I really love your story!! 


@TheFreakyAnimeGirll Sorry about not updating it on the date I said I would. It's just writing the next chapter took way longer than I expected. But its up and ready now.


Hello there! So sorry to bother you I know you're busy but I was wondering when will you update your story. Again so sorry and keep up the good work!


@TheFreakyAnimeGirll I will try to update by Monday. I know it may seem like I have forgotten about this story but I haven't. I've just been taking a break and it's hard to write when the hot weather has been killing me. And no worries. I don't mind when people remind me to update since it tells me there are people who enjoy my story :)