
Hey guys! There's this new website called Crescent Novels. Similar to Wattpad, you can read, write, and upload stories of all kinds. However, there is no need to spend money to read stories from other people! Everything is free. It's a risk free environment where you can receive feedback, suggestions, and support from your peers. Populate the site with your own creativity and feel free to share! Visit Crescent Novels at and email if you have any questions. Thanks!


Hey guys! There's this new website called Crescent Novels. Similar to Wattpad, you can read, write, and upload stories of all kinds. However, there is no need to spend money to read stories from other people! Everything is free. It's a risk free environment where you can receive feedback, suggestions, and support from your peers. Populate the site with your own creativity and feel free to share! Visit Crescent Novels at and email if you have any questions. Thanks!