
Hello all!
          	Quick update: As you might've guessed, Galewing's Oddysey is suspended indefinitely... It's not that I don't want to continue, it's just that life and new interests have gotten in the way, y'know? However, I was planning to write a fanfic for a new fandom that has swallowed me whole, My Hero Academia! Yup, that show has my whole heart... I hope you're all doing well!


Hello all!
          Quick update: As you might've guessed, Galewing's Oddysey is suspended indefinitely... It's not that I don't want to continue, it's just that life and new interests have gotten in the way, y'know? However, I was planning to write a fanfic for a new fandom that has swallowed me whole, My Hero Academia! Yup, that show has my whole heart... I hope you're all doing well!


hello!! sorry about the wait for chapter 3. unfortunately, that wait might have to be extended, as i have a lot going on now that school is beginning to start up... yaaaay. I'll try to get to it as soon as i have free time though, so stay tuned!


Hey guys! 
          Got something real special for y'all coming up, that I'm sure many of you will like, and afterwards, I'll be working on Chapter 2! I'll try to fall in a consistent update schedule from now on, maybe once a week?