
Hello, I am back. It's been awhile. I know. Wahahaha. I'm trying to catch up and write another chapter. Don't worry I'm still working on it. It will be posted soon. 


Pls don’t stress yourself on trying to update us on your books! We will all still be here waiting for the next chapter(s)/ future book(s) on your next update! Get some rest after though!! 


Hello, I am back. It's been awhile. I know. Wahahaha. I'm trying to catch up and write another chapter. Don't worry I'm still working on it. It will be posted soon. 


Pls don’t stress yourself on trying to update us on your books! We will all still be here waiting for the next chapter(s)/ future book(s) on your next update! Get some rest after though!! 


Sooooo....I wasn't able to post like I promised. I am sorry about it. I am very busy at these moments. I will be back after taking my exam. I will spoil you with updates the moment I have my free time and free from overthinking self. Wahahaha. So, yeah. See you soon and thank you for your time.