
Hey all!  I just thought you might be interested in this amazing party I'm part of this month!  There are so many giveaways!  Go check it out!!  :)


Well Hi from Germany! I've read your book 'let her sleep' and tried to find it in amazon to buy it( it's great and I really love it!) but I can't :( I tried the link on your homepage as well but it didn't worked either. Have a great day and I hope you'll reply fast :D 


I just read the first book to the dream walker chronicles. My gosh, is it amazing. I waited 2 months for my ordered book to arrive in Australia. I'm so excited for the second I can't wait for it to be out! huge fan right here Gail! you truely are an amazing writer. It took me 4 hrs to read the book!
          Thanks for much xxx