// If you're seeing this, I'm no longer living
          	This is for any friends of mine on here- I just wanna say thanks for- well, being my friend
          	I'm tired of breathing so- yeah
          	Goodbye, see you on the other side, I guess<3


this message may be offensive
/ Man I love Ranpo he's so silly like.. He's one of the most smartest guy in Bsd and yet he doesn't know how to get on trains and loves sweets
          Also by smart I mean by he literally have solved a case where the culprit used his special ability to remove every single piece of evidence . Ranpo doesn't have any supernatural ability btw so like yeah ! ! Got that extra swag and brain just like me frfr
          ALSO Fuck I love characters that have the "You may have outsmarted me, but I've outsmarted your outsmarting " dynamic (*cough cough* Dazai and Fyodor *cough* )


/It:s 2:39 am and I'm writing loreeeeeeeeee


/ Friendship ended with ACD, now I'm in love with Edgar Allan Poe
          Anyway stan literature and my neighbour that practices violin at 3 am weekly


@meow-hiraeth  /I have reached that conclusion a while back, it's almost as if he's Sherlock but if he watches anime- So silly


@GR3ATESTDETCVE ur neighbour is literally sherlock