
You forgot your password didn't you?


Well, he doesn't remember his password, and accidentally deleted his email without changing the Wattpad email XDXD


@Skelletr00perXT6 XD You can just go to the site, not the app, and go to the sign in screen. Type in the first letter of your username and it should let you log in. That’s what I do.


"//if someone killed you, I wouldn't be in your funeral , I would be in jail  for killing the person who killed you 
          We are true friends 
          Send this to all people incuding me, if you care 
          I want you to know , you are a amazing friend ,til Death and forever 
          If I don't get it, I understand 
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this send this to 15 people ,including me,  if you want\
          If you get three back you are loved 
          No one knows how important something is until you lose it 
          Tonight the person you love will realize they love you
          From1 am to 2 am be ready for the shock of your life 
          With love ,send this to 15 people
          My friend told me to pass it on 
          If you copy and paste this your ,next year will be lucky for you 
          Best of luck and love 
          ♡♡♡♡♡ //"