
this message may be offensive
fuck it posting whatever i got written for my batman oc book and i'll post the oc info later this shit's funny and i need it to get out of my brain and into the world.


YOOOOO!!sorry for literally being dead,but @Anime_Lover182 and i wrote a new book.It's on my profile and it's called 'Why does it always happen to us?!'.Check it out yo!It's an Until Dawn fanfic.....with Tom and blink and Green Day in it =3= dun judge boi....Hasta La Pasta~~!!


            Why is it always us!?!? 
            Thats the actual name of the book


If you guys(doubt people are reading this lmao)like want to read a really good book.I have a recommendation.Idk if like alot of you'll actually want to or is into this kinda stuff or whatever but i HIGHLY highly recommend Strange Times:The Ghost In The Girl by Tom DeLonge and Geoff Herbach.I've been reading it and it's been really good so far..so yeah...
          I mean obviously i say it's good since i'm obviously obsessed with whatever Tom does lol dun judge meh =3=