
lemme just re-appear for a day and then die for another century :D


GUESS WHO JUST ROSE UP FROM THE DEAD.  THAT'S RIGHT, I HAVE. I'm sorry if I worried any of you lovely children  but don't worry, I am back, but of course not here to stay. I have been very busy lately and everything is a mess, but do not worry, I am here for now!


just wanted to tell everyone who cares to look at the things i post that i won’t be posting for a while, or possible ever again.  right now i am handling things with my life and i don’t feel good...and i won’t feel good for a while.  please don’t worry about me.  keep living your lives the way you want to, but i want you all to promise me that you all will never end up like how i did.
          i love you all very much, like family <3