
What to do with writers block. I have had it for a year. I started a story i felt really good about it was like the story kept nudging me to write it and then every thing went quiet. Between Emotional stress and work (real life) I have some how blocked out my characters that once jumped at me to write about them. I feel like i am letting my readers down. For over a year I have tried to find my characters that once loved to wake me from a dead sleep to let me know what happened to them. I can still feel them it is just like they are muffled and i cant string a sentence together; I cant see them clearly with my writers eye. Any one have any idea of how to get past this massive block? 


What to do with writers block. I have had it for a year. I started a story i felt really good about it was like the story kept nudging me to write it and then every thing went quiet. Between Emotional stress and work (real life) I have some how blocked out my characters that once jumped at me to write about them. I feel like i am letting my readers down. For over a year I have tried to find my characters that once loved to wake me from a dead sleep to let me know what happened to them. I can still feel them it is just like they are muffled and i cant string a sentence together; I cant see them clearly with my writers eye. Any one have any idea of how to get past this massive block? 


it may be a few weeks before i upload. Sorry guys but i have a really good reason. I go in for surgery on 4/27/11. nothing to major but still the doctors say cause of my age (which is only 23) i wont bounce back quickly. So maybe upload in like 2 weeks k and sorry to all of you.