
It's been literally three months since I've been on here! Holy crap! I'm so sorry for not updating when I said I would. College has got me so busy with rehearsals and homework that I've just hardly been able to write. Arg! I have one week left, so hopefully I can get back to writing! I miss your comments!!!


It's been literally three months since I've been on here! Holy crap! I'm so sorry for not updating when I said I would. College has got me so busy with rehearsals and homework that I've just hardly been able to write. Arg! I have one week left, so hopefully I can get back to writing! I miss your comments!!!


Guys, I am so sorry for lack up updates!!! I will try to write and update as soon as possible! I know I keep saying that, but I have never had so much homework in my life! I adore all of you who read my stories!!! Keep swimming, my lovelies!


Guys! Go follow Mr. Hale Chronicles on Fanfiction.net!!! Ahhh!!! I should be posting a lot more! I have been hard at work for you all, but no worries! I haven't been neglecting my studies! (: I'm going to try to update sometime when I have all the previous chapters up on Fanfiction!


Good news! I just got a fanfiction! I know, I know... I've been on the site for years, I just haven't written anything!!! My pen name is FullMoonHale since my name was already taken! ): I will be posting Mr. Hale Chronicles as the story continues! I'm still looking for more comments and votes before I start posting!


I know I'm spamming you all pretty much, but I'm so excited to get back to writing. I'm going to write a few chapters before I start posting them. Also, I might wait until I get a certain amount of reads, comments, or votes before I post? I don't know! What do you all think I should do?


AHHH! I'm so excited to tell you all that the new chapter of Mr. Hale Chronicles is almost done! I'm so sorry of neglecting you all, so I'm trying to make up for it with a chapter that is OVER 2k+ words! Yay! And I decided to throw in some smut this time! (Let me tell you, it's extra juicy. ;D) I will try to update more often, but I can't make promises. I love that you all comment, and I do read every single one of them. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Keep reading and keep learning, my darlings! (:


Hey, babes!
          I am currently writing a brand new story. It's definitely rated R! 
          It's also a fanfic of a bunch of different fanfics recently turned published, so keep that in mind. 
          I should have it up in a few weeks as soon as I work out the kinks and keep ahead in my chapters. So keep in check!!! (: 
          I might put the put the summary up soon!