
Happy new year everyone!


To anyone reading, Fate of the Wolf Goddess, I am not dead and did not leave, I promise! I hit a writer's block once I couldn't figure out how to write a certain scene. 
          I think about my upcoming chapter every day (while I'm bored out of my mind at work, daydreaming) and edit it a little. Haven't published yet, but there's a lot typed up. Just not published.
          Sorry, I will publish soon. I promise!
          Me: Breaks months of silence and no new chapters with this post.
          Avid readers and followers: "My God, the dead has arisen."
          Quote origin:
          "The dead has arisen."   ---- Old Mister from The Color Purple (film)


Why nobody tell me writing fight/battle scenes is hard?!
          I can see it so clearly in my head, but when I write it down, it just don’t feel right. Ion know what the problem is. It just. . . It don’t flow like how I want it to.
          Or maybe I’m being a perfectionist like my mama always be tellin’ me.
          Hopefully I figure it out before I publish this next chapter y’all. Wish me luck, cuz atp, I’m ready to pull the fight scene out altogether.


I'm thinking of doing a MHA/BNHA fanfic. Been thinking about it for a while now. Female protagonist with multiple quirks, but it's got nothing to do with All for One. And she's from the USA, black, fiery, and very much mission oriented. What's her mission you may ask? Guess you'll have to wait and find out!


I totally lost my streak! LMAO! But exams are killing me right now y'all. Put out a chapter so, I hope those of you reading are enjoying! Happy Valentine's Day by the way. I honestly forgot that was today. I only love my bed, my dog, and my fam, so. . . yeah.
          But writing stories is a close fourth! All my best ideas come for my bed. A lazy writer once said, "Sleeping is my inspiration." 
          That's me. 100%


I'm going to try and do one each day.
          Fact for today: George Washington Carver was known for coming up with a lot of different uses for peanuts, but he didn't actually invent peanut butter! He did just about everything else there is to do with peanuts, but not actually invent the spread. Another black man by the name of Marcellus (love that name) Gilmore Edson, a Canadian pharmacist made the first concept of it---- peanut paste. He hired a white man to advertise it for him, so people would buy it! It was later then patented and bought over an over through the years by many different companies, who then added on to its development into what we know today as "butter" instead of "paste.
          Happy Black History Month and Happy Friday!


Fact for today: Henry "Box" Brown was a slave in his mid-thirties that mailed himself to freedom. From Richmond VA to Philadelphia in March of 1849. He spent almost 30 hours in a three-by-two crate, going over railroads, steamboat, and wagon. He saved up money from selling tobacco to ship himself to an abolitionist's office. He supposedly broke out into song once they opened the box but correct me if I'm wrong on that last one.
          Happy Black History Month!


Happy Black History Month! Facts for today: Alexa Canady was the first black woman to perform neurosurgery in the US! Elijah McCoy invented the sprinkler as well as the folding ironing board. Garrett Morgan invented the stoplight/traffic light and the gas mask used in WWI. The Super Soaker (water gun) was invented by Lonnie G. Johnson (by accident) and he only recently got the rights to it! In 2017 I believe? Correct me if I'm wrong on that last one.
          Have a beautiful day my gods and goddesses!