
I’ve recently fallen upon your fanfics and instantly became obsessed especially with Pandoras Box, the story makes my heart clench from the way Donald and Gray think about each other. Its been a recent favorite of mine now seeing that after 2 years of no updates I thought the worse has happened to the author and so you most probably are but if your arrive still(crazy though I know) but have you had any second thoughts on continuing this amazing fanfic!


Quick question. What happened to ur second weak hero fanfic? I cat find it anymore.


@FriendlyCabbage Aww damn. So what you gonna do now? Rewrite it? Leave it alone?


@Mangokiwidragon It's been about a year since I last looked at it and when I finally did I just simply didn't feel as proud of it anymore. I feel as though I rushed it when I wanted to get to the final destination of where I was going with the story and it lost its potential impact and emotion. In other words, I felt as though it wasn't good compared to the other so I unpublished it.