I'm a fool who likes to write and be secretive about the life I don't have off of the interwebs. You may refer to me as Overlord, Sempai/Senpai, Sensei, Sama, anything higher than your rank unless you happen to be some sort of royalty or dictator, president, higher alien race, or ginger. I am below all gingers. I am not worthy of your kind. And if you haven't already figured out I'm a bit of a derp who likes to make people laugh, or fear my existence. There's not much in between. I tend to use British spelling for words like "Analyze", which in turn I would type "Analyse". I also share random things about myself that no one cares about. Exhibit A. As for what you can most likely see me writing about, I'm in fandoms like Homestuck, Hetalia, Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, Pokemon, such and such. I don't like the idea of writing anything Doctor Who related because my writing would portray the show as something terrible because I'm not good at writing for live action shows. Sorry. I probably wouldn't be able to do anything for Sherlock or SPN either. I'm very open to suggestions on fanfics and willing to write for people of fandoms I'm familiar with, so feel free to ask me if you want me to write something for you. Putting up with me is the only fee. I love everyone :3
  • Raxacoricofallapatorius
  • JoinedFebruary 6, 2014
