
Hi guys, hope you are all doing well and keeping safe with everything that's been happening with the virus. It's been a while since I actually posted anything on here ^^;.. I've been continuing to draw for my other accounts but I'm hoping to do more writing soon :)


Hi guys, hope you are all doing well and keeping safe with everything that's been happening with the virus. It's been a while since I actually posted anything on here ^^;.. I've been continuing to draw for my other accounts but I'm hoping to do more writing soon :)


Hi guys, has been such a while since I've been on here and tbh i've been drawing more than writing but I want to get around to writing again at some point :) Anyway, I'm going to sunnycon again this year on sat and sun. Sat as Erza scarlet and sun as Cynthia from pokemon :3..Can't wait :3  Also going on holiday to Norfolk in July so yeah :D never been there before so should be nice ;3 hope you are all doing well :)


@Shanesha1912 Thank you ^^ I'm going to Norfolk and it was a lot of fun (the con I mean) I did cosplay yeah...On saturday I was Erza Scarlet and on Sunday I was Cynthia from Pokemon :3..I also got to meet the voice actors Brittney Karbowski and Erica Mendez ;3 both were super nice ;3


@Fran48 Thank you :D
            Enjoy your holiday and the anime con!
            You're going to cosplay, right? Have fun ^_^


@Shanesha1912 I see :) Good to hear it, Best of luck with your workload ^^ I'm doing okay, just looking forward to taking a holiday from work and going to an anime con at the weekend :)


I'm going to Sunnycon tomorrow + Sunday so if you're going Come and see me:D
          I'm super excited :D As a reminder, I will be War version Hinata Hyuuga tomorrow + Erza Scarlet on sunday :)
          I'm pretty friendly +like hugs :D so feel free to ask for a hug :D Come and introduce yourself first though (if I've never met you before) because I'd prefer that I knew who I was talking to first ^^; I'm pretty friendly though :D ^^ I'll be with my friend Nathan :) Cherami Leigh and Caitlin Glass will be there so hopefully I'll get my pics I drew , signed :)


Hi guys, ..I've been struggling quite a lot emotionally...
          I've decreased the medication for my anxiety and over the last few days it has kicked in..i have really been trying to implement what I learned in CBT but my mind has been all over the place and I've been getting anxious about little things and basically my anxiety symptoms have become more prominent :(
          My mam booked an emergancy appointment for today and honestly I've never felt so mood has been really low lately and I started having a panic attack in the doctors..:( There is nothing the GP can do other than chase up the Psychatistrists appointment..but one thing is for certain..I'm not coping.. The doctor, for all she is really lovely and helpful, she is still convinced I have bipolar which I don't think is right because I don't feel my moods are that extreme though I have always had extreme reactions to medication anyway..(according to my Mam anyway)
          The people I work with are trying to be as helpful and kind as possible but I just can't focus on my work because of the way I am atm..and I'm being really overanalytical and critical of myself at the moment..I've been struggling also to get used to my new imac with video editing so until I feel a bit better, I'm using my old, pixelated computer to answer messages and update when I feel I can :(
          When I feel up to it, I want to work on a Kamado Ueshita speedpaint from Future Diary and hopefully do my Sunnycon drawings for Cherami Leigh and Caitlin Glass to sign..I'd like to try and record myself doing them but I'll have to see how things turn out and how much better (or not) I get with using an imac..^^' I'll also try and do drawings I have on my art schedule when and where I can.. and eventually more chapters from my fanfics ^^' :)
          Not even sure if I'll be at work tomorrow..I may have to work from home :( I have some very important work to do for my boss..and either way it still needs to be completed..


@animefan1994 She does, she's been very sympathetic..It's just me who feels bad about it ^^'


            i am sure your boss will understand what you are going through :)


I had two seizures..:( 
          Yes I have literally just got home from hospital where they didn't bother to tell me I could be discharged until me and my mam actually went up to the desk..
          I'm pretty annoyed with the hospital right now..
          I was going to the car to go home from my choir when I started having a de ja vu feeling and then when I was in the car it got worse..My mam came in the back to make sure i was ok and then the next thing I knew I was in hospital..I was all dazed and confused..I apparently had had a seizure and looked like I was going to sleep and then I went into another seizure..:(
          The hospital staff insisted I stay in for the night as a neurologogist would see me the next day on the morning....IT NEVER HAPPENED.. :( I saw four different people who I relayed the same information to :( YOU WOULD THINK THEY WOULD HAVE MY INFORMATION ON THE SYSTEM BUT NO..
          My mam told the staff we were still waiting and they said they would chase it up..THEY NEVER DID..
          The only good thing I can say is that most of the staff were really friendly..
          But aside from that I'm pretty angry and frustrated about it, as are my parents..
          I'm going to get an appointment through to see a neurologogist (hopefully it won't be that useless doctor I saw before) and because my blood pressure was apparently low at one point, I have to have another blood test (KILL ME NOW!!!)


            Okay *hug* i am still not looking forward it no matter what anybody says still gets me scared


@animefan1994 I know :) I saw your reply on tumblr :)


            i found out i don't have to go


I got my ticket for sunnycon. I probably won’t be going on Friday but I’ll be there on Saturday and sunday I haven’t decided on cosplays officially yet ..Are any of you guys going? :D If so, are you cosplaying? :)


Hi guys, yesterday at work, after a year of being seizure free, I had one in the lift around 3 :00 ish ;w;..:(I had one grand mal (Tonic clonic) seizure apparently which lead into another one (which has happened before) and I woke up to find myself in the back of an ambulance with my mam and ambulance people who were really nice ^^
          Thankfully I was given the choice about hospital and I decided not to go in as usually I take about a day ish to recover from seizures, plus the last time I went into hospital for those it was horrible ;w;..
          My body is really painful mainly on the left left arm is in agony every time I move it..and I was physically sick on the way home..:( I had two sessions of sleep when I got home and my line manager told my mam that I should stay off and recover today (as she was there when it happened) so that's why I'm here writing this rather than at my desk learning how to be an e-learning technologist ^^'..Hopefully I'll feel better soon..


@ashuzumaki905 It is ;w;..and it still hurts ;w;..Yeah it could, last time I bit through my tongue , i just bit into the side of my mouth this time ;0 I hope so too, I had to stay off yesterday because I started feeling dizzy like I do when I'm going to have a seizure so I worked from home:( It probably is ;0, I thought it was kind of random too but you're right, it's pretty likely to be that since I'm not used to getting up that early..aww you don't need to feel bad, it's not your fault..both of us are cursed with it ;w; haha..but it did seem to just randomly appear like a troll ^^'(definitely is a real bitch you're right) Thanks, I do hear that a lot though that's generally to do with the anxiety and asd I get told that but I know what you mean, getting worked up definitely made it worse :( I'll try though. XDD yeah..I hope you don't overwork yourself too, I'm glad you have your mam reminding you to prevent this happening :) Me too..they actually are disability friendly as part of their policies, they have all kinds of people at the college, people with downs syndrome, other people with autism, physical disabilities (probably more) so they have to consider what they can do to help..It really is, and both me and my mam were surprised at how considerate they were (aw no problem..yes you are *hugs*) That's true, i think she may be getting the training too as she wasn't sure what to do and the only reason I was safe was because my mam was there who's seen me have seizures like loads of times ^^' Really? ;0 wow..well I suppose you had the seizures so you wouldn't know what it would be like to see someone have them as you'd be unconscious at the time  XD Mmm..I think it's just a case of making sure the person is as safe as possible and doesn't hurt themselves other than how they would from the seizure..I think I do too haha..^^' It is :) It's an awesome workplace ;3..Thanks, I hope so too and I think I'll sit and watch some christmas films :D


@Fran48 Damn, that must be painful. Well, I suppose it could be worse, I mean hopefully, you should recover soon from it. Indeed, it seemed out of nowhere but it's most likely the stress. Especially if you're not used to working like that, by which I mean getting up early and pretty much working all day. It's likely (i know right, I felt bad since it just seemed weird how you just randomly had a fit when you had a year without one. Then all of a sudden  when we talk about it, it's like it knocked and your door and said "you called" haha epilepsy is real bitch I'll say that) Ah that might explain it done, I know you probably hear this a lot(and hell I'm no place to judge) but because you have epilepsy I say you need to remind yourself not to get so worked up and just take care of yourself before it gets to that point. Again I can't really judge cos lol I'm hella stressed with my work, and my mum constantly messages me telling me not to get overworked and seeing how this happened to you I tell myself THIS is the reason whyXD but I'm glad their understanding. It's kind of them to considerate you(thank chu but atm I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere gaah-.-)  Ooooh, that's actually a smart idea, that way they know. Would u believe that honestly I personally had no idea what u needed to do if someone had a seizure? Well not till I followed this epilepsy account, and I was like oh? Kind of weird since aren't I supposed to know?XD When people ask I'm just like 'uhhh' I think I need training too. But that's pretty cool, since not a lot of workplaces would do that kind of thing. I mean they would probably just be like 'treat this person with extra caution' and leave it at that. Hope you'll be better and don't forget to relax;)


@ashuzumaki905 I am now, my left arm really hurts ,the inside of my mouth is painful and had a few twitches at home but apart from that I'm okay, just surprised it happened out of the blue like that..I did get myself quite stressed but maybe waking up early had caught up with me..XD ( I Have no idea.., it is a pretty weird coincidence..;0)Thanks, I'll try to rest, My manager is changing my hours so that I don't have to go through during the rush hour which has been causing me a lot of stress so hopefully I won't have another one XD (Oh okay, best of luck with your work, you can do it ^_^ ) Thanks, hopefully i will :) I feel a lot better than before, just a little stiff..My boss is going to put in epilepsy training in for the people I'm working with so they know what to do in case it happens again