
I am slowly transitioning into my old fandoms that i left like years ago.... Whyyyyy


before i say anything just so you know New Zealand is like a day before everyone else.
          IT IS MY BIRTHDAY AND I AM NOW 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN FINALLY DRINK VODKA!!!!


I live in my house and no I am not an old man.


@TwighlightShadow now where do you live i will find you and hug you unless your a old pervet man.


I’m happy that you would go to those lengths but also scared at the same time/j-I would do the same thing 


i feel rage when i am trying to find a book in one of my book case library things on here and i know where it is but when i get there is is gone and i think to myself did i get rid of it but i wouldn't get rid of it it was very good then i realize that the maker of the book got rid of it and then that is when i start to rage.