
You all ever talk and have a conversation for your story or skit that you really like doing, but the second it comes to writing it it suddenly becomes agonizing?


@Spitfire94 yeah this site has been a janky these last few days


@Forgotten_Conductor Oh my God, I meant to say it WAS for you, but not for this conversation, lol. This site is so janky! My word.


@Forgotten_Conductor ah it's ok, don't sweat it it happens


You all ever talk and have a conversation for your story or skit that you really like doing, but the second it comes to writing it it suddenly becomes agonizing?


@Spitfire94 yeah this site has been a janky these last few days


@Forgotten_Conductor Oh my God, I meant to say it WAS for you, but not for this conversation, lol. This site is so janky! My word.


@Forgotten_Conductor ah it's ok, don't sweat it it happens


this message may be offensive
So fun fact about the Multiverse chapter, at one point I had considered Kill La Kill to make a cameo as one of the worlds Thomas and his driver went to. It would've played out with them witnessing Ryuko and Satsuki fighting with their life fiber uniforms and Thomas and his crew immediately want to get out of there with what I can only describe as "already done with this" tone. I scrapped it as I felt like it wouldn't be as funny,and I felt like I was slightly ripping off @Spitfire94 fantastic Nexus story arc in his series (plug in, wink wink). However I think if I ever follow up on that chapter with Percy going across the Multiverse I think it could be funny considering his innocence. 
          In the distance Percy and his crew saw two females fighting in the air with blades and... Revealing clothing. Percy was amazed with what he saw.
          "Cooool" Percy said as he watched in awe.
          The driver turned to face the audience.



Ok, so with the non canon chapter with multiple crossovers, I need help. I need more universes for our little blue bastard to go too, so lemme know what worlds would be cool to see him in


@64737467p hmmmmm interesting *takes notes*


            maybe Murder drones? Like, what if he can’t move (aka no rails) so he kinda has to rely on other characters which can make for better story opportunities.


So recently I've slowly been working on the next chapter which for now is named "RECONNECTION" I've had the idea of making a non cannon chapter crossing over several franchises I have interest in. Like Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Lackadaisy, and some older ones like MHA just for a laugh. I would like to know if this would be a good thing, or if I should go through with it


Wow, been a while since I did anything. I've been struggling with writers block for the Next chapter as I struggle to think of how the story moves. I'm so sorry for the lack of anything, but it's moving along and will be done... hopefully before 2024. Meanwhile to help break my writers block I decided to go back and rewrite my early chapters. As you could probably guess I'm not too proud of my early chapters as they are a pretty basic by the other chapters standards, so I will be releasing reworked versions to fit more in line with the later chapters and remove some of the cringy dialogue. Again sorry for being AFK for so long, and I hope you all will enjoy the stories i got planned


@Warships58 I thought about that, but I didn't want to copy Spitfire94's idea of omakes. I may do a goof chapter but we'll have to see


@Forgotten_Conductor how about making omakes to pass time and give some ideas 


Another one is Thomas or Percy's crew taking ill and other Skullgirls characters pitch in and help. Say Squigly and Filia, or another duo like Leduc and Peacock for Percy. A final idea is one I've had as a goofy chapter, An Annie of the Star episode purely about the engines. Through some sort of magically fuckery Beowulf and Annie end up on Sodor and become temp crew members and witness certain book events. 
          And that's it, a lot to work on, but it's been a blast writing this stuff. I welcome feedback on these so sound off if you want to. Anyway that's it see ya


Did an update on my media account so I thought I should share some updates with my story to fill you in on some of the things I've been doing.
          Main Story: I thought I start with the big one, Chapter 19: Kidnapped. This has been in the works on and off, mostly due to writers block and pure procrastination. It follows directly after Chapter 18, and you get to see who kidnapped the engines in that last chapter. 
          The NWR Diversions chapters: These have been a great help for me and my writers block with the main story, as I find it interesting to write stories focusing on the engines on Sodor, their feelings on these disappearances, and of course the new engines and their times on the island.  As of right now I am writing another one of these chapters, this one focuses on the Skarloey railway with Duke and Duncan. You'll be able to see this soon enough as its been coming along well. I know these don't do as well as the main, but I do enjoy making them. 
          The 1(1/2) experiment: This is more so to help me with one thing I think of looking back at some of my chapters. The sudden ways things change in my stories isn't something I like about the older chapters, and I think there can be more room to write for fun situations to flesh out the world of Canopy and the railway a bit more. So I figured why not try and make a chapter between the mains, thus the 1/2 chapters were born. The first one will be of Chapter 15, and give focus on the harbor of New Meridian. 
          Spitballing: This is just where I ramble with a few chapter ideas I have. One is about the former king of Canopy King Franz Renoir possibly meeting the engines in secret after silently keeping note about them since their arrival. The webtoons comic gave me a lot to work with from his appearances. He seems like the type who plans ahead, thoughtful, and caring. After all the engines have proven themselves maybe he grows an admiration for them.


So update. Three chapters are in the works. Top priority right now is the Christmas Special. This will have some world building stuff in it and I'm aiming it to be canon. An actual chapter is in the works following the success of the railway series books. And another NWR diversion chapter is being thought out as I type this. 
          Few things I would also like to say. 
          1. Go read the Skullgirls Webtoons, it's worth a read and the style is amazing. 
          2. Go watch Project Tiger moth 'The good old days' as if you ever want to see a fan made episode look like it was an actual episode of the show, then it has you covered. 
          Hope you all are enjoying the end of the year, Christmas and the new year will be here before you know it. Peace