
IMPORTANT: i'm sorry to the people waiting for updates on Out Running Death and Save My Love and for not updating sooner its been too long. THEY  WILL BE TAKEN DOWN FOR A LITTLE WHILE BECAUSE IM GOING TO  EDIT THEM they will be back up shortly along with new chapters for both stories. you guys are awesommmeeee


IMPORTANT: i'm sorry to the people waiting for updates on Out Running Death and Save My Love and for not updating sooner its been too long. THEY  WILL BE TAKEN DOWN FOR A LITTLE WHILE BECAUSE IM GOING TO  EDIT THEM they will be back up shortly along with new chapters for both stories. you guys are awesommmeeee


Hey gays! New Maxtul fanfic just published!! Sorry about the bad cover it didn't work out how I thought it would anygay I'd love it if you'd like to read it. Don't worry I will still update Save my love as well :)


@Foreignswaggers5 Yje the cover isnt bad. Thank u


Hey dear..Thankx for following me❤
          You are added to my family. I would love to know more about you ;))
          I hope you will enjoy my stories and also tell me straight ahead if i ever disappoint you in any way. I'll apologize and also correct my mistake.
          Take care and Thankx once again❤
          This is welcoming mssg from me. Don't mind me if its too formal ;)


@Foreignswaggers5 Hehe..i am glad to meet you as well..Take care♡


@Happycurve26 Awwwwww that is soooo nice  I would also love to get to know you better and i will enjoy your stories a lot haha thank you so much for the lovely message. made my day! along with meeting you and ofc BL!! 
            I hope we can become good friends! :D