
Hey peeps, 
          	How are you all? As you know, Halloween's coming up soon, so I was wondering if anyone's got any scary/ paranormal encounters they'd like to share with me?
          	I saw a ghostly figure of a man when I was young... maybe about five. It scared the s*** out of me at the time. Haha. Does that mean I'm psychic? You tell me... :P 
          	Joke of the day:
          	Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.
          	Halloween Joke of the day:
          	What do skeletons say before they begin dining? 
          	Bone appetite!
          	Keep smiling & Happy Halloween ;)


Hey peeps, 
          How are you all? As you know, Halloween's coming up soon, so I was wondering if anyone's got any scary/ paranormal encounters they'd like to share with me?
          I saw a ghostly figure of a man when I was young... maybe about five. It scared the s*** out of me at the time. Haha. Does that mean I'm psychic? You tell me... :P 
          Joke of the day:
          Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.
          Halloween Joke of the day:
          What do skeletons say before they begin dining? 
          Bone appetite!
          Keep smiling & Happy Halloween ;)


@Follow_Me_And_Smile Thanks for the Halloween wishes. It would have been good if I were to attend your Halloween party. My encounter was when I felt the ghostly presence of my college senior who happened to have committed suicide in our hostel years ago. It was really an eery experience..


@Follow_Me_And_Smile I saw a guy walking passed my friends house in the snow...he was wearing all didn't really stun me until..i looked down at his shoes....and I realized he wasn't leaving an footprints:O