
After 4 seasons of The Boys I’m finally starting to see it… why is Billy Butcher kinda….
          	I HAD TO SAY IT.
          	Listen, I thought he was eh ugly for 3 seasons and now that season 4 is out I’m like why he FINE??? 
          	Also laughing my ass off when me and MM take the same medication xx 


After 4 seasons of The Boys I’m finally starting to see it… why is Billy Butcher kinda….
          I HAD TO SAY IT.
          Listen, I thought he was eh ugly for 3 seasons and now that season 4 is out I’m like why he FINE??? 
          Also laughing my ass off when me and MM take the same medication xx 


I love whenever I tell someone off online they always just go “Jew” as an insulting reply.
          Like… ok, kudos mama? What else? 


@ColbyWhited I too find it amusing because it’s like ?! Like LMFAO what do u want me to say? What’s the goal? Anyways yes, thank you!! You too <3 


@FlorenceIssaPlace I was gonna ask if they were just stating the obvious. Lol why are people so ignorant? It really doesn't make sense.  The word jew is not an insult, so it blows my mind when people respond in that way. Ignorant people amuse me. Although I'm sorry that you have to put up with that b.s. at all. It also makes me sad that people actually are ok with saying things like that as an insult. All that ignorant hate is going to eat away at them. Aside from that, I hope you have a great day! Take care of yourself


I love how the only people who are mad about Yasuke in the new Assassin’s Creed game are genuine weebs aka white Japanese fetishisers who think bc they learnt Japanese on duolingo that means they have more authority to determine the matter of history. 
          Yasuke was not recorded much, there’s more understanding that he is a samurai than him not. The way these weebs are trying to cover their racism against a black protagonist is wild. It’s the fact that I haven’t seen a single Japanese person online hate this idea. It’s a retelling of history, adapting from facts that were already known. Like and as if AC is known for being entirely realistic anyways when one of the protagonists is a literal demigod daughter of Pythagoras. 


Yall I haven’t been proper sick since March 2022, and I hate it so much pls. Someone remove the sore throat from me, my nose is tingling and my eyes keep watering I NEED GUIDANCE


@DeeNOss I’m trying bestie !! But it’s just perma discomfort so I’m inhaling hot water steam to feel something :,) 


Guys if I’m Australian, and I marry a Dutch guy, is it socially acceptable to name our child Marco?? 
          Like is that too Italian LMFAO 
          I love that name so much but like isn’t it weird?


@FlorenceIssaPlace  settle that Max can be the second kid ;) Maybe even have his middle name Emilian ;) Marco is a good name and popular throughout Europe and in certain parts of the Netherlands ❤️


@DeeNOss fairs fairs, as long as the name is European I guess LMFAOOO, not tryna be that white person that names their kid some obscure Japanese name. 


@RubyLouise19 OH REAL?? Telling my bf we have to name our child Marco but he likes Max too much (can you tell he’s a verstappen fan) 


I don’t think I could ever change my Chadwick Boseman profile picture. I had a big crush on him from black panther and knowing he died like my grandfather was so sad to hear. His movies were so amazing too :( 
          Can’t believe how many years it’s been already, this feels like Carrie Fischer for me. I always said she was my movie mother LOL. It’s always sad to see such great actors go. 


I wouldn’t change it either because he was such an amazing guy 


@reesexhobie he was so talented!! And honestly he stuck out as so genuine in the Hollywood community (which is hard to find LOL) 


@FlorenceIssaPlace it’s genuinely heartbreaking. i remember when i found out about his passing, i couldn’t eat for days and watched black panther on repeat. i think all of us had such a connection with him he was just great omg


God Zionism is so fkn sick. I don’t understand how this group of people have lost the plot so hard. 
          I’m so sorry Palestine <3 


@loving_rina that’s mostly why I just say Irish and Jewish LOL Australia is of a very mixed background so you’ll find people with the weirdest mixtures here LMFAO, but yess my BF is Dutch!! 


@FlorenceIssaPlace  Hahahaha hoiii. Omgg, I didn't expect this!! Girl, you're almost from everywhere, amazingg ❤️ And yeah, I also love the stroopwafels here. You've got good taste! ;)


@FlorenceIssaPlace  Hahahaha hoiii. Omgg I didn't expect this!! Girl, you're almost from everywhere, amazingg ❤️


Hice mi examen final de español 1. El próximo semestre estudio español 2. Estoy muy feliz con esto semestre. 


@FlorenceIssaPlace ¡Parece que tu español se está desenvolviendo bien!