
I'm back! 
          	The problem has been temporarily resolved as our teacher roasted the principal subtly, ensuring that she keeps her job as she cannot be fired for such a trivial thing, and successfully defending us. The principal sent us all back to class and basically gave a silent: "we shall never speak of this again." Thank you all of your patience.
          	 have a great day my dewdrops


I'm back! 
          The problem has been temporarily resolved as our teacher roasted the principal subtly, ensuring that she keeps her job as she cannot be fired for such a trivial thing, and successfully defending us. The principal sent us all back to class and basically gave a silent: "we shall never speak of this again." Thank you all of your patience.
           have a great day my dewdrops


          I'm best friends with the principal's daughter and she took her daughter's phone, went through HER private chats, and when she got to our discord chat, read through the ENTIRE thing and litterally scolded us for 'online bullying'. She contacted all of our parents and told us to delete our social media. What. A. bitch. She doesn't have friends since she acts like this and therefore does understand that THAT IS NOT ONLINE BULLYING! JOKING WITH YOUR FRIENDS OVER THEIR MAKE BELIEVE CRUSHES AND INSISTING IS NOT BULLYING. Thankfully my parents are chill and my mother sent me off with a quick warning about my language. That's it. But I know the others didn't get off that easily. Just because you are guardian does not allow you to put your nose into other people's privacy. 


For anyone who read the UglyDoll story, I'm sorry and if you read the old description before I changed it, I hope you aren't too traumatised. In case any of you saw the story I have opened a shop:
           •Lemon/Lime juice
           •Rope (L, XL, XLL)
           •Poison(slow or immediate)
           •Blade(sharp or blunt)
           •Sandwitch with stale azz bread
           •NOT getting friend zoned by your crush
           •Beauty Water (Goodluck)
           •shutting your siblings up for an hour
          Thank you for shopping at TRAUMA-REDUCERS and have a Traumatic day!