
          	I have finally published the planned book. Also I dunno if when my writer's block gonna hit me again so....
          	wish me luck ^^;


          It's been a while huh?
          I haven't been active here... And that's because...
          I kinda lost my passion to write. I think I'm gonna need a long time to rest to regain my strength and passion to write. Don't worry!
          I'm still drawing to this day. It's just that, I can't find any reasons to write anymore.
          Welp, that's kinda it. I hope y'all can understand.
          - Renki the Fox


A little rant/announcement I want to talk to you all, huwu.
          I just want to say something here as to why I haven't been posting artworks and writing stories lately, huwu......
          You may all don't know about this yet but..... I'm a very diligent and studious student. I always put my studies before anything else......
          Which makes me to sacrifice my social life and hobbies. I know it's foolish of me to talk about this but.. I just want to say this to lift the pain from my chest.
          I have been pressured and stressed out by school a lot lately and... my passion for art and to write is starting to dwindle out, bit by bit.
          I felt pathetic and hopeless when I can't write or even draw and I feel sad whenever I get a low grade from school cause I feel like I have let down my mom.
          Another thing for me is that I have been getting less and less sleep time lately. And because of that, my productiveness has been also been decreasing as well.
          Pathetic, isn't it?
          I can't keep up with my busy life and my mind has been going through a lot just to achieve many things. And I still fail. I feel sick. I feel tired. And I feel worthless now.....
          Thank you for listening to my little rant. Any hopeful and supportive comments are appreciated. 
          And I'm very sorry, huwu....
          That is all. See you all later..
          - Renki the Fox


@CladsyRenki15 Stay Healthy and Keep winning, queen 


Huwu!! It's a while, huh? Been busy a lot lately and well, let's say I've been doing some school work.
          But fear not! I haven't abandon writing nor drawing! I'm still writing like a maniac here. Anyways jokes aside, a new story will unfold soon, huwu....
          Where will this story will take us? What trip will it give us?


Heyo guys! I'm really sorry I haven't been active.... 
          School started again here and I'm losing ideas on continuing my stories. And well...... I got sick 2 days ago. But I'm fine now. So I'm trying my best to finish the first ten chapters of my second book.
          But.... I'm not sure if I can release it before the end of this year....