Hai Dere! c: 

I'm Richard, but people tend to shorten it to Richy.

-- Full name: Richard Anthony Ayala
-- Age: 18
-- Birthday: March 22nd
-- From: Australia
-- Living: Australia
-- Sexual Orientation: Gay
-- Relationship Satus: Single
-- Nationality: Australian/Italian/Irish
-- Virgin: None of your business
-- Height: 5'8
-- Music: Asking Alexandria, Union J, The Wanted, Escape the Fate, Attack! Attack!, BOTDF, BVB, I Set My Friends on Fire, Skrillex, Bassnectar, Elton John, David Bowie
-- Telly: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Torchwood, Firefly, The Inbetweeners, The Office [UK], My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Spongebob Squarepants
-- Movies: The Avengers Assemble, Any Doctor Who movie, Serenity, Dr.Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog, Rise of the Guardians, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Tron, Iron Man, Hangover 1+2, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, Insidious, Mama, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, Les Miserables, Lion King, Mulan, Treasure Island

I'm usually REALLY friendly, if I act like a douche bag it's most likely because i'm in a bad mood or something bad happened...
I have a sense of humour that only sexy people will understand xD Naw, not really e.e
I like Dicks, not Chicks! But hey, you can still be my BFF's <3
I love Tacos.
I love Pizza.
I love Chocolate Milk.
I go to University... >_> I won't tell which because, well, people get creepy on here .3.
I like to use Emoticons! <3, .3., >_>, :P, c:, :3
POCKYS! <333 If you've ever had one, be my friend so that we may love them together!
I'm Australian soz I have that accent and shit :3

Talk to ya later mate!

@thexrealxme : My Canadian Pocky :D She's awesome and she writes amazing shit! GO FAN HER!

@InvisibleNinjaa : We both think Rose Tyler is a Slutty Pirate Hooker... .3.
  • Australia
  • Se ha unidoJanuary 26, 2013


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