
@wolflover1818 Thank you so much! You made my day and my mom was concerned with how excited I got. I hope you enjoy the next update!


Hello! I wanted to ask if I could translate your book in my language (Slovak), like with ur name and that things, because it's really good book and I think that more people in my country would like it, but they don't know English very wellHave a nice day


@Kiwi_4444 Hello! So sorry I never responded to this! I've been off of my account for a while. 
            Please feel free to translate! As long as you give credit, go right ahead. I hope you like the story! :)


Um, hi, not good at this stuff but I felt the need to say this-Come Home is the best Cherik fanfiction I ever read and I swear to god if I do not get more of your writing I will curl into a little ball and cry my eyes out. Please, where is that other Cherik fanfic you mentioned in at the end of Come Home, because I want to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rant: Over


@foreverafangirl13 Hello! So sorry I never responded to this - I've been away from this account for quite some time :( I never really wrote more cherik fics after this, unfortunately, but seeing the renewed interest that may change . . .
            If you really like my writing, I have an account on Ao3 where I go by Benevolent_Atlas31. I have a few fics on there I'm working on updates for. Thank you so much for your nice comment and I hope you are well and staying safe!


hello i just want to say that your book(coming home)  is awesome and i hope that youll update soon


@marrylovee As long you update that good for me


@marrylovee Thank you! I wish I could tell you I'll have an update soon but I just started school and I don't want to lie. However, I have a draft started and I do work on bits and pieces in my free time. Your comment made me so happy! Thanks! Have a good day!