
Hi again! Just to let y'all know I've been writing a short story for school and I decided to start posting it here! It's called "Little Epiphany" please go check it out! Also, I'm not going to pick up writing "Journal" and "All Alone" until I've posted the whole short story! Thanks -Ffn


Hi again! Just to let y'all know I've been writing a short story for school and I decided to start posting it here! It's called "Little Epiphany" please go check it out! Also, I'm not going to pick up writing "Journal" and "All Alone" until I've posted the whole short story! Thanks -Ffn


Hello! I have made a decision recently to take a short break from Wattpad, I have loads of schoolwork and I'm writing a story for my English class. My plan is to be back uploading weekly in two to three weeks! Thanks for the cooperation! -Ffn


Hello! Exiting news, I'm working on a new holiday short story about Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, I will probably be taking a short break from All Alone to focus on this piece. It's going to be fun and lighthearted. Hope your exited! Thanks for reading!