
Guys, I changed my username. It used to be lovestowritexD but now it's Ms_Bagwell_Biersack It may not appear as this for a while though. Wattpad said it could take up to 24 hours for all of my stuff to change names. Just didn't want any confusion! Love you all my kittens!! (:


Guys, I changed my username. It used to be lovestowritexD but now it's Ms_Bagwell_Biersack It may not appear as this for a while though. Wattpad said it could take up to 24 hours for all of my stuff to change names. Just didn't want any confusion! Love you all my kittens!! (:


Have you ever felt as if you are forever at war with YOUR OWN MIND? Have you ever felt so much stress, negativity, or nasty comments of other people cut you down to your breaking point? I have discovered an AMAZING website filled with encouragement and love that you HAVE GOT TO check out. If you would like to know more or even just chat with me about some of the struggles you have been facing, always know that I am here. My email address is . Or, you can send me a private message here on Wattpad. You could even ( if you feel comfortable enough with it ) post a message here on my board giving me YOUR email so we can chat. If you would like, you could always email me annonomisly by not telling me your username here on Wattpad or giving me any personal information. If there is anybody out there, anybody. Anybody at all, I'm here. I may not answer right away, but I'm here. I may even create a new book. You could email ( or private message ) me a problem you are facing, and I could research and help you out to the best of my ability by discussing it in a chapter. I don't have to say who's problem it is. Just, please. I won't bite. I"m here to help. Anybody.


Just fixed my about me section. I have SOO much more that I wanna put but it won't let me. I already had to delete a ton of correct punctuation for even what I have already to fit. Hope it's not too much. It's actually mostly bands...please check it out and tell me what you think! :)