Let's see things about me. Well I am a disaster not straight teen who has absolutely no idea what they're doing. 
I write things myself but don't expect to see anything written by me on here anytime soon.

(I have terrible grammar)
(And I'm a mediocre speller)
(The best 👌 combo when you're an aspiring writer)
I am a geek not a nerd. Sometimes I call my self a nerd because aesthetically it sounds better but I do not have enough logical sense to be considered a nerd.
I also spend way more time watching movies and tv then I do on actual homework.

If for some reason you feel like talking to me(I'm not gonna bite you for trying) you can call me Felix, F, V, or whatever strikes your fancy I don't really mind either way. Might be a little weird if you call me Face but I'm not gonna stop you.

Things I like that put me in the geek/ person who doesn't really do a whole lot with their life:
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
The Dragon Prince
Voltron: legendary defender
Pretty much anything Marvel or MCU related
Batman and his crazy long list of sidekicks
Gravity Falls
Avatar The last Airbender
1 season of Steven Universe (don't @ me I just have too many things in my life to watch and obsess over)
Star Vs the forces of evil(again like 2 seasons behind, I know it's been over for like a couple years now I'm working on it)
Stranger Things
Umbrella Academy
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Slowly getting into She-Ra
Breath of the Wild
Mostly whatever's popular I've probably watched and really liked
Also really into webcomics and graphic novels

(Also I'm like sporadically on Wattpad so yeah)
(Ps full names are for dweebs)
(I don't think I've ever said dweebs in my life but we are just gonna go with it)

Please ignore the reading lists they are incredibly old and tbh I kind of forgot about them
  • In a hell of my own making and quarantine
  • JoinedJanuary 30, 2017

7 Reading Lists