
Good night writer! I looked at your work and I love how you transition from telling your points of view and how you talk to that diary. I'm not sure if peach is full of your experiences in real life, but writing really aids as therapy. Your poems are literally amazing I'm not sure I could write the way you do. You have so much passion and if you don't already do it I would totally recommend writing your feelings the moment you feel them that brings out connection withing the reader. I would love to read more, keep eriting writer! ❤


@Kenia_Channia No need to thank me, I'm here if you need anything! ❤


Thank you so much. I’m glad you like it. Peach is based off of a diary I once had and used to right thoughts and feelings about life that wasn’t always so good. I’m glad you also like the poems. I shall keep writing them ❤️