
I’m alive and she’s not mad, she’s even bringing me home enchiladas (my favorite food) God is good 


@Itsacockie thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 girl I’ll always care ❤️


@Itsacockie Thank you. Good to know someone cares ❤️


I’m alive and she’s not mad, she’s even bringing me home enchiladas (my favorite food) God is good 


@Itsacockie thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 girl I’ll always care ❤️


@Itsacockie Thank you. Good to know someone cares ❤️


When your male dog runs into your room as soon as your cousin opens the door and he jumps on the bed and refuses to leave me but your aunt wants him so your cousin grabs him off your bed (it’s clear he wants you) and puts him back in the living room. Big L.


@Itsacockie Yeah. All the dogs love me. They switched up on my aunt and now I’m their mom lmaooo


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 never happens to me cause I don’t have pets. But I bet it’s an awesome feeling to know that there’s someone who really wants/ loves you. Also I agree big L


this message may be offensive
When your aunt forced you to poor your cup of sweet tea down the sink because she forced you to let her try it to make sure it’s not too sweet (she’s a younger GEN X almond mom and you’re a stereotypical southerner raised by a southern grandma who raised her kids in the 80’s) and then was disgusted by how sweet it was (you have a high sugar tolerance while her entire family has a high spice tolerance and they can’t handle their sweets for SHIT!!) and forced you to poor it down the drain and now you’re only allowed to drink water even though that’s all you ever drink anyway since all she has is water and alcohol and she rarely lets you get soda at restaurants and always orders everyone water except her and her husband because they drink alcohol


I just saw a text message from my cousin to my aunt where she was saying her headache is worse “since I screamed in her face”. Y’all. I had earbuds on and was walking to my room to grab my phone charger and she popped her head around from the corner and scared me so I yelled (like a dude. I didn’t scream like a girl. I yelled) and then got pissed at me for yelling WHEN SHE SCARED ME!! So I got in trouble and was forced to leave my earbuds at home (I have autism and earbuds help when I’m upset or triggered) and then I almost died at the ranch from the heat


Have yall heard about the attempted assassination on Donald Trump yesterday?! Well they’re already making Tshirts about it on TikTok shop lmaooo


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 yeee my mom told me about this and I would be lying if I said that it shocked me 


Keep in mind all I’ve ever heard growing up was how much of a good mom I’m going to be. And I’m incredible with children of all ages and have never once failed to properly take care of a child of any age. Plus, children LOVE me, they love me as much as I love them.


@The_Simp0_0 ❤️ I’m ngl, my thought process at the thought of me having a teen pregnancy was never fear of having a baby young but always the fear of the reactions of others (because I knew I’d get screamed at and possibly forced to choose adoption)


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 I love u sm for loving kids like this ಥ‿ಥ as someone who grew up with unloving parents and the amount of people who hate kids this generation is sad 


You know what hurts? Being told by family and family friends that you should never reproduce and your aunt outwardly saying that you’re getting your tubes tied. That hurts. All I’ve ever wanted was to be a mom and now all I’m ever being told is I should never reproduce and I need to get my tubes tied. It hurts so fücking much. And you wanna know the reason they’re saying this? Because of my disabilities. (I have autism and memory loss but it’s not to a dangerous level AT ALL) and because they believe I’ll never be able to live solo (apparently they believe I’ll never get married, have kids, or accomplish my dreams) it really fücking hurts.


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 Do u want me to kill anyone?/j (kinda)


@The_Simp0_0 Thank you. And keep in mind I’m only 19 years old AND A VIRGIN (with no partner) and they’re telling me to get my tubes tied


I’ll get more into detail later. But I just came home from working 6 hours outside catering for an outdoor wedding (it’s currently 96 degrees in Texas) with my aunt. We got home and I immediately changed (because I don’t feel like taking a shower having hot water on me when I’m already hot and sweaty) so I could cool off before showering and my aunt (who’s sitting in the same clothes at the dining room table) starts screaming at me to take a shower or else she’ll “beat my ass” (screaming, not yelling) EVEN THOUGH she’s just sitting at the dining room table talking to her daughter while sitting on the same dirty clothes. Don’t know what’s up her ass but she better take it out


Hey y’all… I have a really important announcement to make… I’ve received some news less than 30 minutes ago that I feel as though I should share with y’all… it’ll be posted under this posted


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 but hey we are here with you whenever needed


@Itsacockie EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!