
So!! It's been two years since I've really done anything with this page, but I want to revive it of its former life and actually start writing here again, because I loved writing here. It was my home. Now I just need to move back in! Take care.


So!! It's been two years since I've really done anything with this page, but I want to revive it of its former life and actually start writing here again, because I loved writing here. It was my home. Now I just need to move back in! Take care.


Hi!! Tao just released a new song called AB. The name is from when he was still in EXO and I'm sad and depressed now. CURSE YOU, TAO THE PANDAPUS!!!! #doofenschmirtzlol


@pelacake Yuri on ice? What is it?


@pelacake  It's chill dude! And have you watched Yuri!!!OnICE yet?? -I need to fangirl over it ohmygOSH-


Okay. Sorry I freaked out, it wasn't actually a big deal at all XD And I realized that the story was really stupid, so... -_- SORRYYYYYYY!!!