
Just to let everyone know a user called athenasdream blocked me because I commented on their story about how keith wasn’t the only one to lose something in a war, started on me, posted to their board “nothing like blocking people who leave comments you don’t like bye bitches” an didnt let me defend myself so yea this may be petty but what the shît


No problem at all, like I had a full argument to stand up for myself as well an they blocked me because they where too immature to hear anyone else’s opinion but their own it’s stupid an thank you ❤️


@FandomsRuinedMyLife0 that's bs... Thx for standing up to those that struggle with these sorta peoples ❤️ we all deserve better than that also that comment is funny af bitch lmao


Just to let everyone know a user called athenasdream blocked me because I commented on their story about how keith wasn’t the only one to lose something in a war, started on me, posted to their board “nothing like blocking people who leave comments you don’t like bye bitches” an didnt let me defend myself so yea this may be petty but what the shît


No problem at all, like I had a full argument to stand up for myself as well an they blocked me because they where too immature to hear anyone else’s opinion but their own it’s stupid an thank you ❤️


@FandomsRuinedMyLife0 that's bs... Thx for standing up to those that struggle with these sorta peoples ❤️ we all deserve better than that also that comment is funny af bitch lmao


So um, I know that I havnt updated in a while an I do have some drafts I’m going to post soon but.. my friend died yesterday.. acute myeloid leukaemia... she had been fighting it for about 2 and a half years after her best friend died in 2017 from the exact same cancer.. I know Iv never posted like this but if someone could help an give me a couple ways to help deal with her death it would be much appreciated, I suck at handling death an this one has hit me hard.. 


@FandomsRuinedMyLife0 I can give U a way to cope, talk truste talking is the best think possible. Don't forget the good and bad time with her, always remember her. Appreciate her, cry for her and be there for her family. They must be going through a rough time ATM too. Also, icecream and chocolates help, idk if U can have then or not but just saying. Get a note book, scrape book whatever. Put pics of U two in there and things that she would say. Just as a memory of her.  And know that people will listen if U give them a chance. Don't lock urself away, or do anything lik hurt urself. Try and live life normally and  ever forget her. ☺️ Hope this helps. Sorry again for Ur loss.


@FandomsRuinedMyLife0 omg I am Soo sorry for Ur friend. Rip, sounds like she put up a fight. And UK the best thing is U got to fight with her too.


Has anyone else’s followers been messing up? In the last week mines has went from 110 down to 103 up to 111 an now it’s at 99 idk how to fix it 


@FandomsRuinedMyLife0 I just realsied that this is from  a year ago. Oopsie.


@FandomsRuinedMyLife0 But yeah same. And I dunno how to fix it.