
Should I make up a new story?? 
          	I really don't know if I should or not since I think I won't be able to have some time cuz of spring sports over at my school (I entered Softball) 


@purescent_ Thanks for the advice I will think about it^_^


@FanZone01 Do whichever you love. For me, I'm busy with studies but after I'm tired studying, I tend to write before continue studying back. Writing is one of best relaxation even though your head will explode thinking for ideas >\< but I don't know for you, choose whatever do you want :)


Should I make up a new story?? 
          I really don't know if I should or not since I think I won't be able to have some time cuz of spring sports over at my school (I entered Softball) 


@purescent_ Thanks for the advice I will think about it^_^


@FanZone01 Do whichever you love. For me, I'm busy with studies but after I'm tired studying, I tend to write before continue studying back. Writing is one of best relaxation even though your head will explode thinking for ideas >\< but I don't know for you, choose whatever do you want :)


Guys! I had to restart my Phone cuz something went wrong! If I have any of you on Line or Kakao Talk I think I will be making new ones. Pls if you have me tell me your ID's so I may add you back. 
          I would really love to have all of you back & chat back with you