Kat: Hello! Welcome to this trashcan that is our account!

Rina: Yeah! We dump the shittiest garbage here!

Kat: We had some "technical difficulties", but they've been fixed!

Rina: Yeah. Kat was ruining the entire interview and it got out of hand.

Kat: I was talking about you forgetting the password, even though it was very easy to remember...

Rina: Absolute bullshit. I couldn't remember which was uppercase or lower.

Kat: You watched me make the password, and I showed, and told, it to you! Now, before this ends up like the rest of the descriptions we've done, let's move on!

Rina: Hmph. Fine. So I'm more of the drawerist of the two and Katty's the writister of the two.

Kat: Translation: I write and she draws!

Rina: Hey! I did not need a translation whatsoever. >_>

Kat: THIS IS BECOMING LIKE THE REST OF THEM!!! Let's move on! Again!

Rina: Okay!! Quit getting us distracted! Geez. Anyways, let's see. I love hugs. Hugs are absolutely amazing. <3

Kat: Ignore Tater Tot!! We'll be combining our weird, shitty ideas and attempt to make a story out of them!

Rina: And fail dishonorably! :D

Kat: Eh, at least we'll fail together! :3

Rina: No thanks.

Kat: Gee, thanks! I'm gonna go cry in a corner now... ;-;

Rina: The crying corner is in the second door to the left.

Kat: Fuck you, I'm gonna go write.

Rina: But I thought you were going to cry...? Gosh you're so confusing.

Kat: I can do both! I have before...

Rina: Okay, I'm sorry. Here's some tofu jello** to make you feel better! *hands Kat tofu jello*

Kat: *punts tofu jello across room* Fuck you! End this! NOW! No one's probably read this far!

Rina: Okaaaay fine. Buh bye guys! :3

Kat: BYE-BYE!!! ;3

**Kat absolutely hates tofu.
  • The Realm Of Somewhere
  • JoinedNovember 8, 2015
