
Feverish Gaze is officially not allowed on Wattpad 


From time to time, I read my drafts and realized how simpler my life was. I thought I'd always end up doing literature, but it seems that life has a different plan for me. I do miss the stories that I used to enjoy; perhaps one of these days away from university I could try to pick up writing once again.


Une fille regardait du balcon. ses cheuveux flottaient sousa la brise. Elle regardait un garcon qui avait les cheuveux bruns. brillante de soleil
          I am studying French and I thought, why not rewrite excerpts from the fanfiction I’m the most invested on 


Hahaha oui oui trés certainement raison !! 


@Fampyu Je suppose que l'extrait provient d'un regard fiévreux!
            I am learning French too. Even though I’ve been studying it for a year or so I’m still not good. J'espère être couramment un jour!


Ugh Umbrella Academy season 2 made me sad. I know it opts for close to canon and what fans like ughdhdhdh but I really wanted five and Vanya togetherrr stupid as it sounds  and moreeee teenage scenes grrrr Aidan and tj Mcgibbons has this chemistry FRR