
I'm just posting this to say that I am so proud of myself for posting chapter 9 last night. Marking this the first story I have done to not only make it to this many chapters without me rage quiting because I had no clear direction to go. But also the first  where there is a actual direction for where the characters and the story itself are going. I'm so exited and really have to think those who have supported me in ways that I can't explain. Just the mere one or two comments are the thing that keeps this story going for me because it means that people are enjoying my story and that's all I ever asked for. 
          	 chapter 10 will be out soon and form there we will be getting a awesome two parter that will take the empire in a awesome direction that I can't wait to share. 
          	If you want to talk about the story so far. Here is the place to do it.
          	Thank you those for supporting my story. It really means a lot 


I'm just posting this to say that I am so proud of myself for posting chapter 9 last night. Marking this the first story I have done to not only make it to this many chapters without me rage quiting because I had no clear direction to go. But also the first  where there is a actual direction for where the characters and the story itself are going. I'm so exited and really have to think those who have supported me in ways that I can't explain. Just the mere one or two comments are the thing that keeps this story going for me because it means that people are enjoying my story and that's all I ever asked for. 
           chapter 10 will be out soon and form there we will be getting a awesome two parter that will take the empire in a awesome direction that I can't wait to share. 
          If you want to talk about the story so far. Here is the place to do it.
          Thank you those for supporting my story. It really means a lot