
Tales is now posted!
          	only the disclaimer/info and character introduction for now, but I plan on posting the prologue soon too, so look forward to that.


,,It's not that I think I'm ugly. By no means. But... I have a few secrets. If i told them or showed them, people would look at me differently. I made a mistake once and I do not intent to do it again, especially not with you." they said with a higher voice than usual. 
          perhaps they were nervous or even uncomfortable confessing something of this much impact to someone they met a mere few weeks ago.
          |second teaser for my new story, Tales. I will post the disclaimer/info chapter and the character introduction later, so stay tuned|


,,Tell me your name." Y/n demanded but in reality their voice was rather quite, maybe because they were a bit intimidated by the tall person hovering over them with such a look on their face and their arms crossed.
          |first ever teaser for my new story, stay tuned for more|


I'm working on an xReader story if anyone is interested-
          the reader is gender neutral, will use they/them pronouns and if course the iconic "Y/n" as name.
          there will be TWO love interests!
          i haven't figured out the endings yet and how i will do it, but please bare with me.
          if you're interested, you're more than welcome to stop by and read it once it's out!